In order to have a healthy democracy, we need a system in which everyone can participate.

Our democracy fails when any voices are excluded. Wisconsin Conservation Voices’ civic engagement program connects communities who overwhelmingly want to solve the climate crisis and support environmental protections to our country’s civic process and opportunities to expand voter access.  

In order to have a healthy environment, we need a healthy democracy where individuals have access and are able to cast their vote. At Wisconsin Conservation Voices, we recognize that the decision making power is too often in the hands of the few and the most privileged. We are committed to shifting power to the community by making voting more accessible to all. In Wisconsin, there are multiple opportunities to support voter access both on the local and state level.

We’re advocating for automatic voter registration, early voting, fair maps and redistricting, improved voter access for tribal communities, and are protecting and defending voting rights.

Take Action

Meet with your elected official

Meet with your elected official

Get out the Native Vote

Get out the Native Vote

Contact us to get involved

Contact us to get involved

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What You Need to Know About Voting Rights and Fair Maps in Wisconsin

The communities that are most affected by climate change, pollution, and environmental injustice are the same communities that our country has traditionally left out of the democratic process – communities of color and young people. Our democracy fails when any voices are excluded.

Over the past decade, Wisconsin decision makers have made access to the polls significantly more difficult, adding a complicated proof of residency process for registration, requiring a photo ID when voting, and creating systems that make voter registration more difficult. These restrictive voter laws have the greatest impact on Black, Indigenous, and communities of color.

Learn more >

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Additionally, Wisconsin has a history of gerrymandered maps, meaning voting districts that were drawn by a political party to give them an unfair advantage in elections. Wisconsin’s district maps have deprived our state of fair representation and silences the voices of minorities. 

Learn more >


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